What people are saying
“low judgement”
Bonobo Network has given us a place to meet like minded people in a very trusted way. One of my favorite things is that it feels incredibly low judgement, about anything… your kinks, your looks, whatever. Most people walk around with seemingly no fucks given and own who they are (or appear to!) and that's a pretty welcome change from the world at large. It's also connected me personally with people from walks of life I don't generally run into as much. Many people are so tuned to their specific economy area/status and Bonobos has such a wide range of people from different walks of life, and I have yet to see elitism or caste/class based systems appear.
“close friends”
It has been an important part of forming very enjoyable consent-based, sex-positive and inclusive connections in my life. Bonobo brings people together in a way that makes being a heart-centered person an asset instead of liability, and they make it easy to socially connect with other members outside of Bonobo events. I don’t have very many close friends, but 90% I met via Bonobo!
“I have become a better communicator”
Bonobo is becoming more important to me all the time. I value the kindness, openness, shared values, trustworthiness and support I find in this community a great deal. I've become a better communicator, my self confidence has improved, I have learned to take better care of myself, listen to myself, and ask for what I want and need.
“sex-positive values”
I love finding other people with sex-positive values. Bonobo Network is the sweetest little community I've ever been a part of, mostly because of really nice people who have been very welcoming to me. And it's so well organized. Super impressive.
“Bonobo finally gets it right”
I love Bonobo. It has become the mainstay of my social network. It's brought me lovers, friends, heartache & professional development. It's literally what I've been looking for or hoping to build for my entire adult life. I've been going to parties for over 20years. Bonobo finally gets it right. Lots of organizations talk about community. Bonobo lives it.
“shared human experience”
Shared human experience is the best way to bond and strengthen connection. Bonobo Network has always had a reputation for organizing sex positive events in a safe space with strong consent practices, in a well-vetted community of people.
“keep expanding”
I have worked long and hard to evolve into my present person, a person who believes that touch, pleasure and orgasm are incredibly powerful ways to connect, communicate, and heal with others. I came all the way from Idaho to San Francisco searching for communities that would support and expand my continued evolution in this and other ways. Bonobo Network is where I can still connect with those special, rare folks who GROK me, and who also want to keep expanding, learning, feeling, cumming, and cumming... and cumming. :)
“comfortable to be me”
Since my very first party, I felt comfortable to be me - or more importantly, anything I wanted to be. I was introduced to Bonobo at a time of significant change in my life. It felt wonderful to be welcomed so lovingly by a bunch of weird pervs like me. I enjoy our diversity the most, and I am finding comfort in the connections I continue to make within the group. I've been introduced to many new places and things thanks to Bonobo Network - I never want to stop learning or growing, and I believe I grow best through personal connection. I value our crew's ability to BE community. Thank you for coming into my life. <3
“friends and lovers”
I love this community. Bonobos have become my friends and lovers. I just love meeting such wonderful, conscious, grounded, intelligent, funny, sex-positive people. I love that Bonobo Network really is a community with continuity and connection between events. I’m honored to be part of it.
“a welcoming community”
Bonobo feels like a welcoming community where I can be myself and meet other people who are also being themselves, where I can meet other people who are practicing ethical non-monogamy in respectful, thoughtful, and intentional ways.... I felt no pressure at all to act in a certain way to be sexy. I could just be myself, however I was feeling in the moment, and I didn't feel judged for it. For me, polyamory is all about being open to and forging authentic connections of varying types with different people, letting them form organically and naturally in an atmosphere of mutual respect and care, and I feel that Bonobo cultivates a community that fosters these types of connections.
“deeper connections”
It has allowed me to challenge those (high school) feelings of not being enough on a consistent, safe and regular basis so as to work at identifying and being ok with the feelings and their roots (not always so successfully). It has also allowed me to find new deeper connections. The group has a genuine interest and interaction among its core community.
“multiracial and multicultural”
I was introduced to Bonobo by a friend who is active in sex-positive communities, who said it was a good place to start. I really enjoy the online community and have learned a lot from the news articles, accountability processes, and discussions I've seen. I've also posted my own questions and gotten great advice. I also like that it's multicultural and multiracial, because I think that's the way that society should be.
“my chosen family”
Initially, Bonobo was just another party to me. But over the years, it has truly grown into our community of sex-positive support. My interest in parties has waxed and waned over the years, but the relationships I have developed from Bonobo have been invaluable. Truly, many Bonobos are people I consider my chosen family.
Bonobo has become a major component of my social circle. It provides a space, both virtual and physical, for me to be as authentic as I have ever been while in community. It aligns very well with my needs for flirting, sexual expression, partying and ongoing connection.
“whole self”
I feel like I can be my whole self when I’m at Bonobo events. I don’t have to box up or contain any part of me. I have become more confident with being in my own power. I love being in spaces where there is zero shame around attraction and sexuality and also where stating one’s boundaries is welcome. Bonobo feels more diverse and inclusive (of race, age, sexual orientation(s), gender, income, body type/size), and is better at doing consent and accountability than other similar communities. It’s more queer friendly/less heterocentric than other spaces.
“joy and pleasure”
It supports the role of joy and pleasure in my life and helps me find that in community. The society we live in doesn’t seem to value fun, intimacy, and sexual self-expression very much but these are some of my core needs for a fulfilling life as a human among humans. It feels very inclusive and the organizers have a higher level of social and political awareness than others. Those two things help to create a safer and more comfortable space for me.
“a very welcoming space”
Bonobo has been for me, a very welcoming space. I have met lots of new people and made friends who share similar values. I was excited to become part of the community that celebrates sexual positiveness in healthy ways. I've appreciated learning and sharing the values about consent. Bonobo feels more welcoming and focused on community compared to other spaces I have experienced. There is friendship and deeper connections that go beyond the sexy times.
“participate to expand my community”
I participate to expand my community and challenge my norms around what I think is acceptable around my sexuality, breaking down my learned behaviours.
“warmth and inclusiveness”
There is less focus on external appearance and more of a focus on warmth and inclusiveness.
“true to the values”
I truly appreciate all the efforts of Misha and William for installing safeguards for the community to ensure its healthy growth while being true to the values we hold so dear.